Daily Insight
Utilize Red Hill Advisor’s Daily Insight to develop and deploy key performance indicators that enhance your profitability. Red Hill Advisors utilizes a structured approach in which we first assess your currently available reports and productivity data to identify metrics that are most directly actionable and key to increasing overall output. Along with implementation we then educate and energize every team member in the power of the new reporting system.
Detailed Red Hill Advisors review of all reports and interviews with key team members to assess utilization of current reports.
Quantify current energy spent creating and utilizing reports.
Red Hill Advisors assessment of status quo, defining strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations to Executive Management.
Define Insight-Producing Key Performance Indicators that can establish common language for reports.
Define goals and targets for controllable business drivers.
Transfer organizational energy from creating reports to utilizing reports.
Goals and targets are utilized in a manner to create root-cause failure analysis thinking.
Specific training linking daily activities, Key Performance Indicators, and financial performance.
Creation of a cohesive team moving to reach a common objective.